hapter 86
I've been taking advantage of my rehabilitation to get to know Trena. Maybe sdays | make it seem like I'm
weaker than | am, but | don’t do that a lot. Trena has already been manipulated by Simon, lied to, mistreated,
you nit. So | don’t want her to ever think I’m that kind of man. But, if I'm struggling to breathe, maybe |
didn’t need to sit down for quite so long. | just wanted to so | could spend more twith my mate
At first, she only lettouch her when she was helpingto walk. She was great about making sure she didn’t
wrap her arms around my waist until we were away from the packhouse. | hate feeling weak and she seems to
understand that | don’t want others seeingweak either. So she waits to assistuntil we're away from the
pack. That's also been a good excuse to separate ourselves so | can have sprivate twith her.
It was a couple of days after I left the hospital, when I'd been able to walk her to a place where we have a small
pond on our pack lands. No one has really ever been able to enjoy this spot, since we've all been at war most of
our lives. But | knew it was here and | wanted to show Trena. It’s a quiet area where the sun comes through trees
and if she ever needs space or to get away, this is a place she can go that’s safe.
“It's really pretty,” she'd said, looking out over the water.
“Yes, you are.” I'd been looking at her, unable to take my eyes off of her. She is beautiful. | have no doubt that
this is why Simon chose her. She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life with long, thick brown hair
that gets wavy at the ends, and soft brown eyes that are still haunted by what Simon did to her.
She looked up and sawlooking at her and she’d blushed and stepped away from me. I let her go, never
wanting to force her into any physical contact.
I'd chosen honesty, since | know that’s the only path that will ever lead us to a relationship.
“I'm sorry. I'm practically desperate to kiss you. Your lips are pink and perfect, and | know you don’t realize it, but
when you're talking to me, you frequently lick them which makesREALLY want to kiss you.”
She'd looked out over the water. | could see her mind turning a mile a minute, her eyes looking all around as she
thought through my words, and | could practically see the steam coming out of her ears at my comment. | had
no idea if I'd completely offended her, scared her, impressed her, or anything else until she'd finally turned to
“I've never been kissed.”
| frowned at that. How is that possible? “You've never....but...” How do you ask someone who's been raped why
they've never been kissed.
“Simon didn’t kiss me. He did things to me, or he toldwhat to do to him, but he never kissed me.”
My anger at Simon had flared, but right behind that had been a deep, powerful possessiveness. | want this
woman's kisses, all of them, every last one, for the rest of my life.
“Can | kiss you?” | asked gently.
She had nodded and I'd had to hold back the urge to pull her into my arms and kiss her the way I've been
wanting to since | first saw her, passionately and desperately. Instead, | stepped up to her, stroking my fingers
over her cheek. “At any time, if it becomes too much, pull back. You don’t have to kissif you don't like it or if
it scares you.”
She had nodded, and | had smelled the slight scent of her fear, but she agreed. So | slowly moved in, watching
her as | did, until | gently pressed my lips against hers. | had slowly and softly deepened the kiss until she had
started to lean against me, hef hands fisting in my shirt. | carefully slid my hand into her hair, holding her head
as | tilted mine, deepening the kiss
even more.
12:59 Fri, Dec 6 GG
Chapter 86
When I'd slid my tongue over her lips, she'd gasped and pulled back. | waited to see if she’d pull away, and when
she didn’t, | gently slid my tongue over her lips until she opened them. Her scent of fear changed to a scent of
arousal, her spiced cider taste mixing with her scent and makinggroan with the pleasure of it.
When I'd finally pulled away, | pressed my forehead against hers as we caught our breath.
“I hope you liked that, because | would love to do that again.”
“1 did like it,” she said shyly. She bit her lower lip as she said it. | know it's not meant to be sexy, but with her,
she’s sexy without even trying.
| reached up, using my thumb to gently pull her lip from her teeth. “I should be the only one allowed to bite that
lip,” | said, making her smile.
After that, I've been stealing kisses as often as she'll let me. | never do it in public. Based on what she’s told me,
Simon never cared who saw them and, in sinstances, it seemed that maybe he preferred it, getting off on
her embarrassment and humiliation. So, | know that’s a trigger for her. Since we walk in the forest multiple times
a day to help strengthen my lungs, it works that | can sneak kisses then.
It was a couple of days later, while we were resting under a tree that | noticed that she was nodding off. She has
dark circles under her eyes most of the tand when | asked her about it, she shrugged and said she has
nightmares, so she doesn’t sleep well.
I had pulled her against me, being careful when she went rigid in my arms to just massage her head and rub my
fingers over her back. | made sure it was loving, and not sexual in any way, and it hadn't taken her long to fall
asleep. She'd slept for hours while I'd held her.
I've offered to have her sleep withat night and last night, for the first time, she finally agreed. It took her
longer to fall asleep, being in a bed made her uncomfortable at first. But Declan had started purring softly and
I'd massaged her head, letting my fingers slide through her soft hair. We'd waited until she'd fallen asleep, and
then Declan and | had fallen into the deepest sleep | can ever remember having.
When | woke up this morning, | had the most painful erection I've ever had in my life. | moaned, shifting and
when Trena yelped, my eyes had flashed open. Somehow, overnight, she had moved so she is laying on top of
me, her head nestled against my chest.
Her eyes are wide. “I'm so sorry, | don’t know...” she says, scrambling off of me.
“It's okay, Trena. I'm sure your wolf felt comfortable and wanted to be closer to me. | know mine wants to be
closer to you. And...” | gesture to my hard length standing at attention under my shorts. “I can’t exactly do
anything about that. You're beautiful, you're my mate, and you were laying on top of me. But you don’t have to
be afraid of me. | won't do anything. | won't hurt you, ever.”
“I should...go,” she says, quickly getting off the bed.
“Can we go for a walk after breakfast?” | ask, wanting to know that we're okay.
She’s already at the door, practically running to get away from me. But she stops and turns to look atand
“I'll meet you
“Good. I'll see you there,” | say, sighing as she leaves like she cant get out of my room fast enough. Maybe this
was a bad idea.
| get up and shower, dealing with my hard on while | take a cold shower. The cold does nothing to helpwhen
| remember the feeling of my mate lying on top ofand | have to take care of things again before | finally
finish my shower.
Chapter 87
Thy is the park zarurung med Trenk ve pred nin thrilled that dir's enthetable ending to join pack and I'm
hoping that means that he’s what is knowing dial wire mates. It giveshope that we | have a furre togethe
We go for then walks before the celebramos begs he que, life the der letwest a few kisser. When it's tfor
ceremony, she and 1 and vide by side and when it tforgo forward to recommit to my cankest members
and the pack, she comes with me.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt
After Alpha Warren and Beta Charlie announce that our Luna and Beta female are pregnant, the pack howls and |
do as well, excited for the good things that are happening in our pack. Tread, however, remains quiet.
“What's on your mind, beautiful?” | ask her, leading her away from the party.
“This is all a bit overwhelming forright now. | think I'm going to go to my room,” she says.
“Do you wantto go with you?” | ask her.
She shakes her head. “You should stay and enjoy this,” she says, and | can see the tears starting to form in her
eyes. I'm not sure what it is about this party that has her upset, but if she needs space, I'll give it to her, even if
it goes against everything insideto do it.
“If you need me, or just don’t want to be alone anymore, cfind me. No matter what tit is, okay**
She nods her head, then uses the shadows to get back into the packhouse without anyone seeing her.
The anger that I'm able to keep at bay when she’s around comes flooding back, and I'm furious all over again
that my mate is suffering because of that shithead in our cells. | know that Alpha Warren will be planning his
execution, so | approach him, telling him that | want my pound of flesh.
I'm surprised when he offers to letkill Simon, but | meant what | said about it needing to be him. Many in our
pack have suffered because of Simon, not justand not just Trena.
I'm even more surprised when | turn around and see her standing behind me.
“Trena, | thought you left. Are you okay?” | ask her, instantly concerned.
“I cto make sure that you knew | wasn’t leaving because of you,” she says.
“Oh, | say, smiling at her kindness. “I knew that. | don’t know exactly what is upsetting you, but | understand
that there will be times when you just need to get away.”
She looks behindat Alpha Warren. “What are you going to do to Simon?”
“Finish what you started, like | told you | would,” I growl.
Her eyes move back to mine. “You don’t have to,” she says.
“Yes | do. Mostly for you, because you're my mate and he hurt you. He's made our lives more difficult because of
what he did to you. But I'm also doing it for me, and for Declan. It's hard for us to know that we didn’t protect
you. | know that I didn’t know you then. But | do now, and | hate that you suffered, and | wasn’t there to keep
you safe.”
She smiles at me, cupping my cheek and lifting up on her toes. It's the first tshe’s initiated a kiss between us
and | don’t
Sat, Dec
Chapter 87
hesitate to accept what she’s pffering.
“Why don’t you go inside, and I'll find you when I'm done,” | say when she pulls back.
She shakes her head, putting her hand in mine. “I want to go with you. | don’t want him to see me, but | want to
be there for you.”
| stroke her cheek. “Okay, let's go. | believe our Alpha and Luna had swords for him, so I'll have to wait my
When we get to the cells, i look at one of the guards. “I need something to cauterize a wound,” | tell him. | need
to make sure | don’t kill Simon. I'm sure Alpha Warren will make it a public event for the entire pack to witness.
The guard givesa wicked smile. “We’ve kept an iron hot, just in case anyone gets overzealous,” he says.
| guess Simon has been suffering at everyone's hands. Good.
| lead Trena down the stairs, listening to Luna Yara as she tells Simon what a great man our Alpha is and why he
deserves her submission. When | turn the corner and see that she’s actually submitting to our Alpha, | step back.
Alpha Warren wouldnt. want anyone to see that. Well, other than Simon. | realize that our Luna knows exactly
how to hurt Simon and by the tthey leave, he’s frothing at the mouth with fury and jealousy. He looks rabid.
| send Trena back upstairs to wait. The smell down here is atrocious, and | don’t want Alpha Warren getting upset
if he thinks that we saw our Luna submitting to him. When they're done, they passon their way upstairs.
“He’s all yours,” Alpha Warren says.
smile, walking in to see Simon staring after our Luna. When his eyes meet mine, he snarls.
“You! | thought you were dead.”
“I'm not so easy to kill,” I say, smiling maliciously at him.
“What do you
“Now that is a very interesting question,” | say, standing in front of him. “What do | want? What | want is to make
you suffer for hurting my mate.”
“Letguess, the girl whose throat | ripped out?” he asks, not at all concerned that he nearly killed one of my
pack members and possibly my mate.
“No. And for the record, you didn’t kill her either. She’s alive and well, thanks to our Luna,” | say as the guards
open the cell doors.
“Who then?” he asks, taking a step back.
“Trena,” | say, and | see a flash of fear in his eyes before he covers it with malice.
“She’s got a great mouth for sucking cock, doesn’t she? A nice, tight pussy. Although, | did stretch it out for you,”
he leers
I'm not sure if he’s hoping that I'll kill him, but even if Alpha Warren hadn't toldto leave him alive, | would
want him to suffer for what he did.
“I heard she ripped your balls off,” | say, making a point of looking at his limp dick hanging between his thighs. It
looks bruised, so I'm guessing that sof the pack members having been kneeing him and kicking him in the
crotch. “So, I'd say she’s got great hands for turning an Alpha into a eunuch,” | say, hearing the guards snicker.
He snarls again, stepping farther back into the cell as | step in.
“She got her revenge. So what the fuck are you doing here?”
11:34 sat, Dec 7
Chapter 87
“I told her I'd finish what she started,” | say and his eyes go wide, le tries to rush past me, but my hand slaps
against his dick, grabbing hold as my claws extend.
“No! NO!” he screams.
“I wonder how many times she said that to you,” | say, my voice deadly calm.
“She never did. She never denied me,” he says, his heart rate spiking.
“Well, you were her Alpha weren't you? You didn’t need to do anything other than command her, did you?”
“Please,” he begs.
I snarl and with one hard yank, I rip his dick off. He screams in agony.
“What | should do, is shove this down your throat, like you did to her,” I snarl, holding his dick up for him to see.
“But...my Alpha says it’s not tfor you to die yet,” | say, casually as if we re talking about the weather.
Before too much blood is spilled, a guard comes in, pressing the hot iron to the hole in Simon's crotch.
He screams again and I'm a bit surprised that he doesn’t pass out from the pain. Maybe it's the Alpha genes.
When the guard is done, Simon is left panting on the floor.
“I guess you won't be needing this anymore,” | say and extending my claws, | shred his dick before dropping the
pieces of it on the floor beside him.
“As my Alpha said, sweet dreams,” | say, turning and leaving a sobbing Simon rolling around in pain on the floor
of his cell.
When | get upstairs, Trena is pacing, waiting for me. She turns as the door opens, hearing Simon's screams and
sobs. She
hand and body covered in Simon's blood. When her eyes return to mine, | see her body relax.
sees my
“I was wondering if | could lay with you again tonight,” she says softly.
| smile at my sweet mate. “Letwash the scent of vermin off of me, and then I'm all yours.
This twhen | lay with my mate, she asksto curl up around her. | wrap my body around her, cocooning her
in my arms, letting her know that she’s safe and that from now on, I'll always be here to protect her..
Chapter 88
The first thing | did when | woke with Yara the next morning was to open my mind to the pack. The feeling of
love, contentment, and family is stronger than I've ever felt in my life even when my parents were alive.
Keeping my mind open to the pack, | slide my hand over my mate's still-flat stomach, knowing that my pup is
growing inside. Yara toldthat it was still too soon to tell if our pup is boy or girl, but she’s going to keep
checking until she knows. Since Savannah will be here soon, maybe I'll get my answer then.
Today is another important day. First, Simon's life ends. That is primary. But before that | need to check on his
pack. | close the link to the pack and slowly begin to wake my mate. We were up late last night and | know she’s
carrying my pup, but it’s tfor us to get going. Harold, Henry, and Farrah are leaving to go see Quirin and
Yasmin today, and | don’t want to make them wait too long before they head out.
So | slowly tease my mate until she’s awake, then slowly slide inside her from behind, holding her against my
chest until she begins to arch and takedeeper.
| take my time, kissing her shoulder and her neck as | bring her up and over the first time. | have a moment to
realize that this is my new life, a life where | get to wake up inside my mate every morning, before my mate
shifts, slidingout of her and turning, pushingon my back and straddling me.
“Was | moving too slow for you?” | ask, chuckling. | watch my sexy mate slide herself onto my length and then
begin to ride
“I just wanted to feel you in a different position now that I'm awake.”
“You will never hearcomplain about being able to watch you make yourself con my cock.”
She givesa possessive, sultry look as she begins to move faster. | slide my hands over her body, teasing her
nipples and loving the feel of her soft skin under my rough, calloused hands.
When she gets close, she throws her head back, ridinghard as her breasts bounce beautifully in front of my
| growl at her beauty, her submission, and at the knowledge that this woman is mine, before both of us find our
release together.
When she starts to cdown, she falls onto my chest, both of us panting. | wrap my arms around her, kissing
the top of her head.
“Now that’s what | call waking up properly,” she murmurs from my chest.
| laugh, her body bouncing on mine as | do. “I'm happy to wake you up properly every day, my love.”
She lifts her head. “I said that out loud?”
I grin at her. “You sure did.”
“Well, good. Because I'll get use to this very quickly and begin to expect it every day,” she says sassify.
“My Luna’s wish is my command,” | say, stroking her cheek. “Thank you for what you said aboutlast night,” |
say, remembering. No one has ever madefeel better about the man and Alpha that | am.
“Which time,” she says, putting her hand on my chest and resting her chin on it so she can look at me.
“What you said to Simon,” | say.
Chapter 88
“Every bit of it was trile
“I liked hearing you say it.”
She sits up, my length still deep inside her. “You, my mate, are fierce and powerful,” she says, running her
fingers over the scars on my chest and stomach. “But you are also gentle and kind, loving and caring,” she says
as she begins moving on me. | can feel myself getting hard inside her again.
“You're intelligent and witty, funny and passionate,” she says, running her hands over my body as she begins to
rideagain. “But do you know what I love most about you?” she asks, Her eyes meeting mine.
| shake my head, unable to speak with the strong emotions that she is cliciting from me.
“You're mine, Alpha. And this baby right here, is yours. Every baby that grows in my stomach will be yours. | love
the way you love me. | love the way you adore me, and showthat I'm special to you. | love everything about
you, Warren,” she
| can’t take it any longer. | sit up, devouring her mouth in a passionate, scorching kiss. | flip our positions and
spend much longer than | had planned showing her just how much I love and adore her as well.
By the twe cdownstairs, I'm famished. | say hello to Harold, Henry, and Farrah, inviting the first two to
joinfor breakfast inrmy office. I'm behind schedule and | want to catch up.
I send a mind link to Charlie, Haynes, and Laney to join us in my office, before getting sbreakfast, kissing
my mate, and heading in to start my day.
When they arrive, | have everyone sit around the large conference table.
“Haynes and Laney, | have your first assignment as my Gammas. | intend to kill Simon today, in the next couple
of hours. | need you to go to his pack, see who is left and offer them asylum.” | turn and look at Harold. “Do you
Harold looks thoughtful for a moment. I'm beginning to realize that this is the norm for him. He likes to think
things through before making decisions.
“What if they have swarriors, perhaps sshe-wolves with young pups or she-wolves who have lost their
mate due to the wars? They may be angry and want revenge.”
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm
“My thought was to offer them sanctuary conditionally. I'm sure they're angry, if they survived. They might be
angry withfor killing their pack members and their Alpha, but that anger would be misguided. Simon did this
to his pack. He started this war, | ended it. But that is why | wanted you here. They may want to becpart of
a pack, just not mine if they lost a mate. Id rather give them your pack as an option knowing what we're
planning with Brady's pack. If they choose to go rogue, if they choose Brady's pack, that's their choice,” | say.
“Should we warn them that we intend to attack Alpha Brady's pack, if that’s their decision?” Haynes asks.
“No, | don’t want him having any warning that we're coming, and right now, there are only a select few of us who
know that we're planning to attack. | want to keep it that way,” | say, looking back at Harold.
He sighs, leaning back. As | watch Henry, intently watching his father, | once again feel the strong urge to have
my heir. | can’t wait to raise my son to be the best possible Alpha he can be
Eventually, Harold nods. “It's the unfortunate part of being in a war. Innocents die. However, as an Alpha, it is
our responsibility to protect OUR pack members first. If we were to tell others of our plans and then they told
Brady, we put our pack members in danger when it’s not needed. At the risk of sounding callus, if they don’t
choose to join one of our two packs, they aren't our allies anyway,” he says, looking at the others in the room. “I
agree to taking in any that want sanctuary, but not in your pack. If they prove themselves worthy, I'll accept
them into my pack. If they don’t...”
“If they don’t, they leave or die,” | say.
1:34 Sat,
Chapter 88
| look around the roof“Are we all in agreement?”
“Do we know how many we're talking about? Any idea how large Simon’s pack was?” Charlie asks.
“Yara and Trena might know. But Simon lost most of his warriors and all of his ranked members. The pack will
lose their Alpha today once Simon is executed. So, that mostly leaves omegas, and as Alpha Harold says, sorne
warriors with pups.”
“Ill talk to Noelle and have her work with Luna Yara and Trena. We'll need to make arrangements for this many
pack members. We're already pretty full having taken in Quinton’s pack members,” he says.
“Good thinking.”
“How do we get them back? Let's say we're talking thirty to fifty omegas and swarriors with pups. We can’t
walk back, it'll take days and Haynes and | can’t protect all of them if someone like Brady attacks us,” Laney
“We can send them in the vans,” Charlie says. “We have sfrom Quinton’s pack and we have ours. That
should be enough. They can pick a few extra warriors to take with them, maybe even Trena who can speak to the
truthfulness of what our Gammas are telling them.”
“That's a great idea. Okay, we have our plan. Any questions?”
When no one does, Charlie heads off to meet with Noelle, and | help Haynes and Laney get their warriors ready
to go, making sure that the vans are set to carry a large group of omegas and pups back to the pack.
Harold calls Franklin letting him know they may have more pack members coming while Henry follows me,
askingquestions about what and how I'm setting up the vans. | explain that it's because omegas are weaker,
they'll be frightened and will be weak without their Alpha, so | want the vans to have something soft to sit on
and blankets in case they're cold from fright or just the weather.
As I'm explaining, | feel warmth spread through my body, Yara’s love flooding into my system. | turn and see her
leaning against a wall, watching my interactions with Henry.
“That's the future father of my pups,” she murmurs. Damn | love that woman.
When the vans are ready, | send them off, then turn back to Yara. “Ready to send Simon off to wherever
shitheads like him go?”
“I'm ready for his stench to be out of our pack, yes,” she says.
| turn, taking one more moment with Henry. “I want you to understand that what has happened to Simon is not
normal for me. But he’s injured multiple pack members, he kidnapped my mate, he threatened to rape her, and
he left bruises on her
who that were still there when | got to your pack. He does not deserve and has not received an honorable death
like Alpha Quinton received. | just wanted you to understand when you see him today that this is sending a
message to anyone comes afterand my pack, but mostly, anyone who touches my Luna. Cafter what's
mine and
will suffer.”
“I understand.”
“Okay, let's go find your Dad and Farrah, and I'll call the pack together. | know your father is anxious to get on
the road, and | hope that you and he can talk ssense into Alpha Quirin. He's at risk being out on his own.”
“That's what Dad said. | can’t imagine being on my own, even with my mother. It's not enough, although most of
the warring packs have been defeated. You never know who may cinto your territory and try to take it
over,” Henry says wisely
“A very good point. One that | hope you'll make to Alpha Quirin when you see him.”
As Henry goes off to find his father, | take Yara’s hand.
“Do you know how sexy you are when you act like best father in the world?” she asks me.
Chapter 88
| smile at her. “You could showjust how sexy | am to you later,” | purr.
“Oh, | fully intend to.” She stops and turns to me. “I have no idea how I'll ever be able to keep my hands off of
you if you act like that with our pups.”
| pull her against me. “I guess then I'll know if I'm doing something wrong. Because | want your hands onall
the time, my little Luna.”
“It’s good that we're on the spage, Alpha,” she whispers.
| growl, wanting her now, but knowing | need to take care of business first.
“Let's deal with this, and then you can showjust how sexy you think | am.”
She givesa heated look and | know that Simon's death will be fast. | want my mate. Simon is nothing. Yara is
| call the pack together and ask Harold to stand within front of them. My warriors drag Simon out. He's filthy,
bloody, and burned. | can see that Bradley did just what he said he was going to do and now, Simon is unable to
walk, his body hanging limply as the warriors drag him in front of me.
| glance at Henry and watch his eyes go wide before he settles. | notice that Farrah puts her arm around him,
squeezing his shoulder. I'm glad to see that he allows it.
The warriors drop Simon at my feet. He's barely able to hold himself up, using his arms to prop his upper body
He looks up at me, his eyes already dead.
“Simon Tolliver, you have attempted to murder two of my pack members. Your pack has attacked and injured
multiple members of my pack. You kidnapped and beat my mate with the intent to claim her and rape her. For
your crimes, | sentence you to death.”
He begins to sob as I lift my hand, Arric extending his claws. “Do you have any last words?”
“Kill me,” he begs.
With one swipe of my hand, | remove Simon’s head from his body, for once, giving him what he asked for.