Chapter 93 Chapter 93: Brett's face twisted with anger, his neck stiff as he tried to defend himself. "What bullying? Khloe, you're just making it sound worse than it is. It was just a little banter, a few harmless jokes. Besides, didn't you throw coffee at someone first?" He thought he had found a weakness and pressed on, his voice growing louder.
But Khloe raised her hand, signaling for Julian to enter.
Everyone froze as Julian walked in, carrying a camera.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtKhloe gestured to him, and he started playing the footage. The video played, showing the entire scene from Khloe entering the classroom to the coffee incident, including Gwyn and Dorothy's verbal insults towards her.
Khloe's voice was cold. "Does this count as bullying?" The room fell silent. Brett's face flushed with discomfort.
Unable to stay quiet any longer, Sloane stepped forward, her tone condescending. "Khloe, you threw coffee at Dorothy. Why not just forgive and forget? Let's move past this. For my sake, please." Khloe's laugh was sharp and bitter. "For your sake? The daughter of a mistress? Do you even understand what campus bullying is? Can it really be swept away with a few words? Have you ever had your food thrown into the bathroom drain? Or been cornered in a restroom and slapped over and over again? You have no idea what it's like, so don't speak so lightly. Sloane, if you want to play the good person, don't use my pain as your backdrop. That's despicable." These were the horrors Khloe had endured in prison-days without sunlight, waking up to unending torment and humiliation every single day.
Khloe's fury was palpable, like a storm that had been brewing for years.
Her hands clenched into fists, her knuckles white with the force of her grip. She radiated a chilling aura, as if a fire from the depths of hell had consumed her.
Sloane fell silent, unable to retort.
Khloe's gaze swept over the group, delivering her final blow with icy precision. “What makes you think I'm making things difficult? I'm simply protecting myself! Calling the police when faced with bullying is a right that anyone is entitled to!" More books available at galDorothy lunged forward, shouting, "Don't be fooled by her. She's just twisting the truth to manipulate everyone!" "The Evans family has cut ties with Khloe. She was involved in a scandal over academic fraud. It's so widely known that anyone can uncover the truth with just a bit of research. How can something so publicly acknowledged be considered a lie?" "Getting her to drop out is the best thing for her, to save her from even more public shame. Yet she lashes out at anyone in her path, even calling the police over something so insignificant. Clearly, she's feeling guilty." The people in the classroom seized on these words like a lifeline, quickly placing themselves on the moral high ground once more and voicing their agreement.
"Exactly, Khloe draggedinto this mess! She's ruthless! She pushed her pregnant stepmother down the stairs. How is it wrong for us to call her out? We're doing the right thing!" The students who overheard this felt their initial shshift to a burning anger.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm"Expel her!" someone yelled out.
Then, like a rising tide, the crowd began chanting together. "Expel her! Expel her Expel her!"
"Having a student like her at Zhecrora University is an embarrassment. We don't want to be in the sclass as En someone like that.”
"Khloe, you're revolting! I strongly urge the school to expel you without ve delay.". mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLliIofifl0&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1