Chapter 140 Chapter 140: "Exactly! No proof, no trust. Simple as that." Daryl's face burned with fury as she jabbed a finger towards the monitors in the operating room. "Look for yourselves! The proof is right in front of you. Mr. Sampson's vitals are stable, and that's all the evidence you need. Yet sof you are out there spreading lies and posting reckless reports online. You don't know a thing about what really happened." The online comments exploded, flooding the screen in a chaotic stream.
"Oh my God, Khloe actually did it. Why is someone this skilled wasting tin acting?" As the crowd began to waver, a reporter stood abruptly, eager to fan the flames with baseless accusations. "Khloe Evans, a celebrity, performing a successful surgery? Sure, even if it's true, who's to say this whole thing isn't just a well-rehearsed charade? For all we know, they could've hired actual surgeons to pull the strings behind the scenes," sneered the bearded reporter, his tone dripping with contempt. He then turned toward Daryl. "And you, calling her 'mentor' right here in front of us? You're clearly one of her loyal followers. Who's to say you're not part of this setup? Maybe the whole thing was orchestrated by you!" Daryl's eyes flared, her voice shaking with fury. "Your accusations are baseless! I'm putting my personal and professional integrity on the line to vouch for Khloe. The surgery was authentic and a success. How dare you, with your unfounded bias, so easily dismiss her hard work and extraordinary talent? You have no right to criticize without having seen the intense challenges she overcor the exceptional skill she displayed. Just because she's an actress doesn't mean she can't be a brilliant surgeon." The reporter wasn't ready to back down. "If we didn't see it, we won't believe it. The public has every right to demand answers. If you've got nothing to hide, release the full footage!" Daryl's hands shook with fury.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtThe surgery footage involved sensitive details about Murray's health and couldn't be made public except for educational reasons. The reporter knew this perfectly well and was clearly stirring trouble on purpose.
The observation room's microphone was live, so every word reached Khloe clearly.
She stayed composed, and lifted her gaze to the observation room glass. Her eyes were cold and resolute, as if piercing through every lie and ounce of spite directed her way.
"You want proof? Fine. I'll give you proof." Khloe's voice was calm, almost quiet, yet it carried effortlessly across the room. "The National Medical Board was present throughout the surgery. I invited them as impartial overseers." The room fell into stunned silence; no one had anticipated this move from Khloe.
As it turned out, she had been a step ahead, foreseeing potential sabotage and taking every precaution.
The moment Khloe finished speaking, several individuals in formal uniforms stepped into the observation room. Their sharp uniforms and authoritative presence silenced any lingering doubts.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm"We are representatives of the National Medical Board, formally invited by Khloe Evans to oversee this surgery. Following our detailed evaluation, we can confirm the surgery was genuine and a complete success. A formal case study will be published on our official site shortly." The announcement sent shockwaves through the room. This was no ordinary institution; its reputation for strict oversight, sometimes under presidential scrutiny, was unmatched. With such credibility, deception was simply out of the question. Khloe had, without a doubt, performed the surgery successfully.
The live stream had caught every moment, and the comment section underwent a tic shift almost instantly.
The flood of insults aimed at Khloe evaporated, replaced banc om outpouring of admiration and praise.
"This is a medical miracle! Khloe is ΟΠΤ absolutely phenomenall The content istom! mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLliIofifl0&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1