Chapter 0715 After talking to Maximus, Peter felt a sense of calm. With renewed courage, he tried calling Celeste, but she didn't answer. Her silence made him anxious, but it didn't stop him from heading to Valentia. He knew something was wrong, and staying in the current situation"'t fix it.
Meanwhile, Celeste returned to the house. She had left her phone in the bedroom and didn't see Peter's missed call. Upon entering, she ran into Brock, who was on his way out.
"Miss Celeste, I didn't expect to see you out walking so early..." "Brock, where's Peter?" "The master left very early this morning." "Did he say where he was going?" "No, ma'am, but I'm sure he'll be back this afternoon." "Brock, what were you and Peter talking about last night?" "Ma'am, did you overhear our conversation?" "Brock, that's not what I asked you..." "Ma'am, I know what the master said might have sounded strange, but I'm sure there's an explanation for everything. Please wait until he can clear it up.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt"Brock, I know exactly what I heard." "All he said tothis morning was: "Tell the jet pilot to schedule a flight to Valentia as soon as possible.' Thank you for not following that ridiculous order." "Wait for him to cback and talk to him." "Ugh, Brock, I'm tired of waiting..." "Ma'am, the master is a good man; he's just been having stough days lately." "That doesn't justify what I heard, Brock. I don't know what to think about him anymore. I don't even know who Mary is or why he said what I heard." "Ma'am, I don't understand what's going on either, but I truly hope there's a reasonable explanation. In the meantime, you should focus on your recovery. Look how far you've come-you're almost walking without the cane. That's amazing, and your progress has been remarkable." Celeste couldn't calm down. What she had overheard had shattered her heart, Peter had never mentioned another woman before, and she had no idea who this Mary was. But after that statement, it was obvious that woman existed.
[Diana's Apartment] Maximus was going over swork on his computer when the doorbell rang. To his surprise, the man standing there was someone he wasn't expecting.
"Frank Levett... What the hell are you doing here?" "Well, Maximus! Is that how you greet your father-in-law" 1/2 +25 BONUS Chapter 0715 "Frank, let's not play games. What the hell do you want?" "Maximus, I'm here to talk." "As far as I'm concerned, we have nothing to talk about. Well, maybe one thing-why the hell did you use my nto kick my father out of the company?" "Oh! So you've found out?" "Of course I've found out!" "Good. That savesa lot of explanations. May I cin? Reluctantly, Maximus let him in. Frank looked around the house, taking in every detail. It was obvious this wasn't Maximus's style.
Frank knew his son-in-law was already in a new relationship, and it infuriated him. His daughter hadn't even been dead for a year, and this man had already replaced her with someone else.
"So, the rumors are true?" "What do you want, Frank? Because as far as I know, I didn't invite you into my house." "Correction: this isn't your house. It's your whore's house.
"Frank... Get the hell out! If you can't respect the woman who lives here, liveschere, then leave Maximus shouted, En throwing the door wide open.
When he opened the door, he didn't expect to see his brother standing there. For a moment, he almost For slammed the door in his face. This was an unfortunate situation. The last person he wanted to find out his brother was alive was sitting right there in the living room.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm
Maximus watched as Frank stood up from the couch where he had made himself.comfortable and walked toward the door, only to cface-to-face with Peter Palmer. "Peter Palmer! Is that really you?" Frank exclaimed in genuine surprise.
"Frank Levett..." Peter replied, narrowing his eyes.
0 "Well, well, it seems speople rise from the dead,” Frank said, trying to keep his composure, paleness of his face betrayed him.
though the Deep down, Frank knew Peter being alive would only complicate matters. This had to be dealt with quickly.