2/2 Chapter 0700 Once they had shaken off the paparazzi, Anthony and Marcus arrived at a residence belonging to the Moriarty family. Vincent Moriarty was already waiting for them. The older man embraced Marcus warmly as soon as he saw him.
"I can't tell you how happy it makesto know there's still a Bartz left!" "Actually, there are six of us now-my wife and our four children." "I know, I know! But from the generation I knew, you're the last one..." Vincent said, his eyes brimming with tears.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt"You know me?" "Of course! I worked with your grandfather Peter for a time. He was a good man-helped us immensely during hard times. My grandparents always spoke fondly of your family. The Bartzs and the Moriartys have been friends for many, many years.
"The problem was the Palmers. They calong, and their ambition consumed everything." "What do you mean, 'the Palmers calong'? Weren't they originally from Valeria, Florentia, and the surrounding areas?" "Marcus, it seems you only know half the story. The Palmers, originally wanderers didn't originally belong anywhere. Your grandparents took them in. In fact, it was your grandparents who founded the Bartz & Associates group, along with the Preston family, good-hearted people who helped everyone.
"But in the end, the Palmers' ambition took over, and now they're a powerful, renowned family." "Well, well," Vincent sighed, "there's no point in dwelling on the past. Someone else wants to meet you. His nis Magnus Evans. You probably don't know him either, but he's the real father of Maximus Palmer, and-" Vincent stopped abruptly as Magnus touched his arm, signaling him to stop. Vincent had already said too much; their focus needed to be on the future, not the past.
"Marcus, can we talk?" Anthony Moriarty interjected, gesturing toward a study.
"What's going on?" "Cinside and close the door." Marcus did as Anthony asked, sitting down across from him. It was the first tin years that Marcus found himself in such a situation, unsure of what was to come.
"Marcus," Anthony began, "I know full well that you're responsible for what happened to all those men who died. I also know that Frank Levett's demise was orchestrated by you and Peter Palmer. I'm not an idiot.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm"I have eyes and ears everywhere. I'm risking a lot to clear your nbecause my family owes yours a great debt. But that doesn't mean there won't be consequences. My father has taskedwith restoring the reputation of the Bartz family, and I'll do it-it'll take time, but I'll get it done. However, I need something from you in return.
"You, your wife, and your four children-all six of you-must leave Valentia and not return. The less tyou spend here, the better. My family has worked hard to reach the position we're in, and I won't let you drag us into something we have no stake in." "You're askingto leave the country?" "Exactly. I know your wife isn't well, but you have the means and resources to get her the best care in Hesperia.
1/2 Chapter 0700 +25 BONUS You've lived a good life there before-go back. Letdo my job and close this chapter properly. I'm not saying you're unwelcin Valentia, but if I ever have to choose between the Bartzs and the Moriartys, I won't choose you." [Present Day] "Camille, do you know how much longer Valerie has to stay in rehab?" "Well, the recommended tis six months, and there's just over a month left now." "We need to return to Hesperia." "That's wonderful news... but we should wait for Valerie to finish her recovery."
"I don't think we have the tto wait. Once we're back in Hesperia, we can find a good therapist for her, someone who could even treat her at hif necessary."
"I think you should talk to Dr. Hill about that. I'd prefer Valerie to m complete her treatment here, but if there's a reason we can't stay, it would be good to discuss it with her."
"Tomorrow, I'll go to Florentia and speak with her. We can't stayinm Valentia muck longer-too much depends on us leaving." Today's Bonus Offer GET IT NOW