Chapter 0697 "Well, well! This is sof the best news I could've gotten. Though it's clear Frank Levett Jr. still has significant political power." "Not for much longer, I think. I know it's hard to keep up with things from in here, but recently a new magistrate -Judge Anthony Moriarty-was appointed to the government. Do you know him?" "Not that I remember." "Well, it's very interesting." "Why? Stop beating around the bush-you know how much I hate that." "The man has decided to reopen the case of your family's massacre.
"What?" 41 "Exactly as you heard! Anthony Moriarty wants to reopen the investigation into the murder of the Bartz family. He claims there were major irregularities in how it was handled. The entire case was brushed aside simply because your family had a reputation for being part of the mafia. According to Moriarty, there were significant violations, and he's seeking justice for every child, baby, woman, and elder who was murdered that terrible day." "And who is this Moriarty?" "It's me, Marcus! Don't you recognize me?” said a man standing behind the bars.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtMarcus, who was leaning against the bars with his back turned, slowly turned around. Standing before him was a man, no older than forty, looking at him intently.
"You used to play withwhen I was a kid. Have you really forgottenso quickly? I was like a shadow-always stuck to you," said the man.
"No... I don't know who you are," Marcus replied hesitantly "I understand. Back then, you were in your twenties, and I was just 8 or 9 years old. Do you remember the Moriarty family? Our families were very close. Then we had to leave the country and lost touch." Marcus's eyes widened as he finally remembered. “You were that kid who followedaround all the time... Yes, I remember now! And now you're a judge? Well, look at that! Life has a way of turning things around. But you shouldn't be here. If people see you with me, it could damage your reputation." "Marcus Bartz, you're free!" "What?" "A few days ago, I received all the evidence needed to reopen your family's case. Among them was a special package of information. It details the deaths of various criminals who disappeared and exposes how Frank Levett the infamous Judge Levett-was neck-deep in dealings with gangsters and mafias." Marcus couldn't believe what he was hearing. Whoever had sent this evidence wasn't just helping clear his family's name-they were practically exonerating him of the charges he was facing.
"Marcus, I know this must be difficult for you, dredging up the past. It's unjust that you're here, especially when your family suffered so much at the hands of a man who can no longer be punished as he should.
But I want you to know that my father and I never forgot what your family meant to ours. We owe you-and then some. That's why I've decided to reopen your family's case. It's tto finally root out the corruption that's been feeding on our country for decades. It won't be easy, but no one said it would be." 1/2.
Chapter 0697 "Do you really mean to help me?" Marcus asked, still skeptical.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm
Of course, Marcus! Why wouldn't I help the last surviving Bartz of that time? I know you have children now, and you've spent most of your life in Hesperia. Your wife has struggled with postpartum depression, dealing with it alone because of the remnants of Levett's old guard." "When am I free?"
"Right now. Normally, it would be tomorrow, but I don't want you om spending another second in here. Your family needs you-your babies, your wife, your children. Gather your belongings, and let's get out of here." Marcus couldn't believe what was happening. The little boy who had once been like a shadow now stood before him, saving his life.
"Marcus," Anthony added, "before you go home, I need you to cwithto another place. Il know you're eager to see your family, but there's a matter we need to address first." 2