Chapter 0682 +25 BONUS Peter had returned to Slovenia, still grappling with the weight of Maximus's words. He wasn't naive-he knew exactly what his brother had meant. Since his memories had started coming back, his mind had beca battlefield of chaos. Between the problems he had created and those completely beyond his control, he hadn't had the tto see the doctor he'd been recommended.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtThis neglect was taking a toll on his recovery. His mind felt stuck, constantly drifting between the past and the present. Smornings, as he woke up, he was convinced that Mary was in his arms. But a sharp pain shot through him when he opened his eyes and realized it was Celeste's face and scent beside him.
Despite this, Peter did his best to ensure that Celeste never suspected anything. He was affectionate, attentive, and loving toward her. To Celeste, the man beside her seemed unwavering in his devotion, oblivious to the emotional storm he was concealing.
Meanwhile, someone else was growing increasingly worried-Maximus. Unable to shake his unease, he decided to call Theodore, "Theodore... Theodore Bennett?" "Yes, Maximus. What's going on?" "I wasn't sure you'd recognize my voice." "I'm old, not deaf. What do you need?" "It's Peter..." "Well, Peter's nearly 49, Maximus. I'm not sure I can help much. The man's stubborn." "That's exactly what worries me." "Why? Has something happened?" "A month ago, he cto Valentia to see Mary. I don't know what they talked about, but since then, he's been acting strange." "Peter's always been a bit strange... though I'll admit he's more serious and formal now. Why does this surprise you?" "There's something in his eyes that I don't like. It's as if he's hiding something. When his memories started coming back... Did you notice anything unusual?" "No, nothing out of the ordinary. But now that you mention it... Damn!" "What is it, Theodore?" "I just realized-Peter never went to the psychiatrist or psychologist. His doctor explicitly recommended it, but we never followed through." "Theodore! How could something that important slip by?" "After Celeste's accident, then his memories returning, and his constant efforts to avoid Mary, we just never talked about it again." "Well, I don't like what I'm seeing in Peter. He needs therapy." “I'll talk to him, but Maximus, you know your brother. He's incredibly stubborn." 1/2 +25 BONUS Chapter 0682 "I just want to make sure no one gets hurt because of him." "Lethandle it. I'll talk to him and try to get a read on where his head's at. If anyone knows Peter, it's me.” "All right, Theodore. Please handle this. If things seem off, 'll go to Slovenia myself and figure out the next steps." "Fine, but let's hope this is just your imagination, Maximus, and not something worse." After their brief but significant conversation, Maximus reflected on his brother's behavior. Peter had always had an imposing and charismatic presence, but lately, he was starting to resemble the unreliable man he'd been 20 years ago.
Theodore, on the other hand, tried to remain calm, but he couldn't shake the feeling that they had failed Peter in sway.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm"Peter, how's everything in Slovenia?"
"Theodore... Everything's fine. I must admit, my son's work is withC well-organized and with Maximus's help, I have plenty of free tto take care of Celeste." "How's Celeste doing?" "She's improving every day. The therapies are helping her make steady progress."
Theodore could hear a change in Peter's tone as he spoke about Celeste. The confidence he oncen I wave carried seemed to waver. This only added to Theodore's concerns. Peter might be brilliant and cunning in business, but his personal life had always been marked by poor decisions.
Determined to probe further, Theodore continued the conversation. Peter talked about business deals, contract clextalked about negotiations, and his operations. But just as Theodore was about to end the call, he finally broached the subject he had been avoiding. "Peter, Mary has started seeing a psychiatrist. When are you planning to start your therapy? You remember what the doctor..." "Theodore... Not you too. I'm perfectly fine. You can see it in the way I manage work and everything else. Let's drop this topic, please." 2/2 Chapter 0683