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My Love Until the Last Goodbye by Alut

Chapter 651
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Chapter 0651 Chapter 0651 "What?!" "You heard me. I need your help. Contact our men-we need to locate Maximus's children right away." "Don't worry, Dad. I'll request clearance to return immediately and get the team together. But you know what this means, don't you?" "I know, Alden," Peter admitted, his voice heavy with guilt "And I'm ready to face the consequences." "Good. I'll call you back soon." Alden approached the captain of his flight, explaining the emergency. The captain promptly requested permission to return. As the plane began to change course, Alden's mind raced. The mention of Serenity in Leonardo's hands filled him with dread. He couldn't shake the sense of foreboding-knowing what his father had uncovered during his investigation, he feared the worst for Serenity.

Determined, Alden quickly contacted the steam that had assisted him months ago, the last tLeonardo had taken Serenity.

"I need your help locating someone," Alden began.

"Nthem." "It's the swoman from months ago-Serenity. And the sman who had her captive before." "Understood. What are your orders?" "Find her and her brother, Maurice. Eliminate the other man if necessary-" Alden paused, taking a deep breath, No, just focus on locating them for now. I'll be back in Valentia in two hours. Handle the situation until I get there." "Got it. Do you have any leads on where to start?" "No! But you could start by searching the mansion where it happened the first time.....” "It's too obvious, but I'll send my men to check it out," Alden replied.

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At the Bartz residence, tension was at its peak. Marcus had been taken into custody, leaving Valerie struggling to process the truth about her husband. As she tried to make sense of it all, Camille burst into her room, her face pale with worry.

"Val, sweetheart... I sent the driver to pick up John, but he just called to say that when he got there, someone had already taken my boy. I've called the Bartz estate, but Theodore has no idea where John could be," Camille said, her voice trembling with fear.

Valerie's knees buckled, and she collapsed to the floor.

"Camille... What the hell is happening? Where is my son? Tell me! Tell me!" Valerie screamed, panic overtaking her.

Marcus, the only person she thought could help her, was in jail. She was slipping into shock, overwhelmed by helplessness.

"Val, sweetheart, I've already sent all our men to look for Jehn, and I've informed Frederick, But I wanted to tell you myself so I wouldn't make a mistake. Maybe he went with another classmate...." 1/2 Chapter 0651 "Camille... You know John doesn't have any friends other than Peter's grandson," Valerie snapped, her voice cracking.

"Sweetheart, try to calm down! I didn't want to tell you...

"No, Camille! No more secrets! I have enough on my plate right now... We need to go to the police. We need to report this. How is it even possible that the school handed John over to someone who wasn't us?" "Val, my dear..." Valerie broke down, sobbing bitterly. Her world was collapsing. She was trying to be strong for Marcus's sake, what losing John was something she had never anticipated. Her whole body trembled as she struggled to grasp was happening.

but Meanwhile, Frederick mobilized all available men to search for John. After gaining access to surveillance footage, they identified the vehicle that had taken the boy. The culprit was none other than Leonardo Palmer. Frederick clenched his jaw. Leonardo had no idea what kind of storm he was unleashing.

Armed with this new information, Frederick called Maximus, who hesitated for a moment before answering.

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"Mr. Palmer, this is Frederick Sanders." "I'm sorry, Frederick, but I don't have tfor your family's business right now." "I think you'll want to make time. This is about Valerie's son- and your father." "What are you saying?" "John has disappeared. We traced his whereabouts, and everything points to your father, Leonardo Palmer.” "Leonardo has him too? That bastard!" "What do you mean 'too'?" "Leonardo has Serenity and my son Maurice!" Maximus spat, his voice filled with anguish.

"Maximus! Why the hell didn't you tell us about Serenity? She's a Bartz. Her safety is our responsibility Om "Frederick, I'm doing everything I can to find her! Alerting you wasn't exactly my priority!"

"We have a lead on where John might be, but going after him might Ο ΠΥ put the others in even greater Ne danger. I've already informed Peter. He's supposed to help us. This is all part of his damned plan...". "Peter isn't here, so it's tto make decisions, Mr. Palmer. What will you do? Wall for Peter to act? The man doesn't have his children in Leonardo's clutches-you do.

"Where can I meet you?"

"I'm at the Bartz estate. Marcus has been arrested, and Valerie just found out her husband is killer. Things aren't good here. Add John's disappearance to the mix, and it's only getting worse." 11 "I'm on my way."