Chapter 0058 Chapter 0058 Dylan looked him up and down before turning away.
Desmond quickly caught up, barely a few steps behind when Dylan spoke in a low voice, Report on my desk by morning." "Uh?" Desmond blinked, completely thrown. "You mean the new project report?" Dylan glanced back. "What do you think?" Desmond's mouth opened, then closed.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtWait... could it possibly be a report on... women? H "Good grief," he thought. "Is it too late to change my answer? I know nothing about that!" If there was one man in the world who understood Suzy best, it had to be Claude. Even Allen, who'd known her for years, couldn't compare.
Despite Suzy's best efforts to mask her emotions, Claude saw right through her. As she took her seat, he placed a small, buttery croissant-one of her favorites-on her plate. " Didn't sleep well?" Suzy paused, her utensils hovering mid-air fora moment before she answered, "That's right." He offered a bowl of oatmeal to her with a calm smile. “Then try not to dwell on things. Life's short; the less you focus on things that don't matter, the lighter it all feels." Suzy accepted the bowl. "Mm, I won't anymore." After all, to her, Dylan was just another passerby now-no point in letting him affect her mood.
Still, she wondered why he had shown up so early that morning. He'd mentioned he had business with Claude, but what could be so urgent? With the deal involving Red Falcon finished, there was even less reason for him to be here.
Just as she tried to piece it together, she heard Dylan's voice at the doorway. "Mr. Claude ist a generous employer. I wonder, though-is he so good to all his servants?" Seriously? Barely managing to keep her cool, Suzy shot back without missing a beat. "Oh, absolutely. My employer, Mr. Claude, treatswonderfully, and I'm finally getting to enjoy things I never had in my three years with you, Mr. Wright." "So, judging by Miss Frost's tone, I seem to have earned sof her disapproval?" Dylan 1/2 Chapter 0058 closed the gap between them, stopping only when they were no more than a foot apart.
He leaned in slightly, his gaze intent. “Mind sharing what part you found so unsatisfactory?" "Oh, I wouldn't dare!" Suzy replied smoothly, shifting to another chair without a hint of hesitation. "Apologies, Mr. Wrighat, I didn't know we'd be graced with your presence today. No breakfast prepared for you, so please excuseif I skip the formalities." She flashed a smile at Claude. "Mr. Claude, we should wrap up you appointment, and we're running short on time." Claude responded with a gracious smile. "Of course.
Turning to Dylan, he added, "Apologies, Mr. Wright." esmond couldn't it's a nightmare." got a rehabilitation help but sigh internally. "Being a CEO's assistant these days-honestly, Moments like these called for him to step in and find a way to smooth things over. Otherwise, he wouldn't be doing his job.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm
With a slight cough, Desmond pulled out a chair for Dylan and looked at Claude, smiling with just a hint of mischief. "Mr. Claude is clearly in a rush today; otherwise, he'd never be so remiss with hospitality."
But Suzy cut in before Claude could respond, her tone pointed. “Lingering during someone else's breakfast ΕΠ doesn't seem all that polite, either." "Well.. how exactly was he supposed to respond to that?" Desmond thought, at a loss." Urgently seeking advice."
Dylan's gaze hardened as he noted Suzy's fierce loyalty to Claude. He turned to Claude, his expressigm unreadable, "Medlaude, how well do you know your personal caretaker? For instance..." His eyes drifted toward Suzy, sharp with intent, as he let each word drop deliberately. "Her marital status?" Chapter 0059 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLliIofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1